Glossary of tea terms

A special tea cultivar which tea bushes creep low on the ground

Glossary of tea terms

This glossary is to be built over time to try to cover all unique terms employed in this site. Each term is linked to its own page with detail explanation of its meaning in the context of tea. At the bottom of each page, there is also a list of the articles that the term is used in.

Since we are too used to most of the terms and maybe less insensitive to the need of listing some of them, please do suggest to us if you cannot find the term you want to read about in this glossary. Help us grow this list. Please use the “Submit a Term” menu in the menu bar above. Or simply click here.

All terms are defined not by common dictionary meanings but rather by our own understanding through working in both the Western and the Asian trade of tea and with the corresponding customer groups. We would like to think that these definitions help the tea drinker and trader alike to have a bigger picture of the nature of tea.

We hope that with time, this will grow into a small lexicon of tea terms for contributing to the tea community at large.

Some of you may want to contribute to add to how we have defined the terms. Please do use the comment form in each of the term posts to make your suggestions.