Tianshan April Mist, Silver Curls Spring, White Peony Classic Long

Home Dialogues Tea Reviews Tianshan April Mist, Silver Curls Spring, White Peony Classic Long

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    • #8493

      This is my first experience with Tea Hong, and the first time I have tried any of these teas, so I thought I would post a mini review. After placing my order, the tea took just a little over a week to get to my place on the other side of the world. The packaging was done very carefully. The bags were sealed and placed inside boxes, and the boxes were taped together and protected by a waterproof bag (very safe and thorough). 


      1. Tianshan April Mist (“Wild Bush Yunwu”): This is a green tea of the yunwu (“clouds and mist”) type. The pictures show a tea with vividly deep green leaves, twisted into small curls. Since it is a yunwu type and the description uses words like strong, bright, and sharp, it grabbed my attention immediately. Leo says that this tea is, “for those who prefer strength in their green tea rather than soft, rounder tastes.” That sounds like me, so this was the tea that I anticipated the most. I was surprised when I opened the container – the smell is very fresh and pungent, but not in a bad way. In fact, the dry leaves have a stronger smell than any other green teas I have had. The infusion is a lively light green, and gives a brisk but full-bodied, bold, fresh, and flavorful taste. It really brings those “green tea” qualities to the foreground. I am really fascinated by this tea, which has such an unassuming appearance. 🙂 
      2. Silver Curls Spring (“Bai Mao Hou Mellow”): This is another green tea, but has an appearance of light green and silver curls. The description states that this is a more mellow green tea with a slightly sweet aftertaste. I think that description is accurate. In many ways this tea reminds me of some other green teas I have had, but a finer quality, and the appearance is nice, and it shows the careful work put into making the tea. Like Tianshan April Mist, this is also a quite refreshing tea, but due to its balance and poise, rather than its strength and brightness. The aftertaste is a little soft and sweet. This strikes me as a good overall representative of a refined and classic Chinese green tea. 
      3. White Peony Classic Long (“Finest Zhenghe Bai Mudan”): I have had Bai Mudan and Shou Mei white teas, but never a Zhenghe Bai Mudan (always the more common Fuding variety). I was very interested in this Zhenghe style, since the description seemed to fit my preferences more than the Fuding. Opening the package, the aroma is rich and full, kind of like hay, and sweet (a little difficult to describe). The overall appearance is a nice mix of silver, gray, and withered green. The taste is indeed full, deep, rich, and a little sweet, without the floral qualities. It also seems to bring out more of that taste that makes white tea distinctive as a style. This is the best white tea that I have had.
    • #9630

      Thank you for this nice review. The April Mist green tea to me is a most super value green tea which you can prepare as any other green teas or using this method for a really strong tasty cup: 

      • Measure 4 grams of the leaves
      • Preheat 160 ml Yixing pot to abt 85 degree Celcius
      • Put the leaves into the pot and infuse at the above temperature for 4 to 5 minutes, dependent on your preference 

      You can do this with some other fine green teas such as Long’jing as well.
      The Zhenghe White Peony you have is my own personal favourite white tea 😉
    • #9638

      Leo, thank you for the tips, and I will try out your method, although I may have to substitute the Yixing pot for an infuser mug. I agree that this yunwu tea is indeed an excellent value. Each time I am in the mood for green tea, I find myself choosing this yunwu tea over the other green teas I have with more “famous” names. 🙂

    • #9646

      Does this green tea taste good if not so strong? I like my tea lighter.

    • #9649

      In my view, part of the basic character of Tianshan April Mist is its strength and brightness. Although it can be made with a shorter infusion time and fewer leaves, some of the basic characteristics that make it quite strong, bright, and vegetal would remain.

      For softer and gentler tastes, I would maybe recommend a different green tea like maybe the Silver Curls Spring. These two teas actually have quite a bit in common, but the Silver Curls Spring is softer, rounder, and more balanced. That may be more suitable if you like lighter and more subtle flavors.

    • #9650

      Thank you for the suggestion 🙂 I think I’ll try the Silver Curls Spring.

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