which is lower in caffeine: green or oolong

Home Dialogues Health Matters which is lower in caffeine: green or oolong

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    • #8451

      My usual teas are black tea from Fujian and Darjeeling. I recently added two types of Wuyi oolongs: Shuixian and Rougui, and some occasional Silver Needle white tea. Everything has been fine until recently some people said green tea is lower in caffeine so is better for the heart and the nerves so I tried a sencha from Fukuoka. It might have been coincidental, but I haven’t been able to fall asleep easily for two nights. I stopped the green tea but kept drinking my regular black and oolong teas and sleeping was okay again.

      What happened? So is green tea lower in caffeine or higher?
    • #9345

      It is a common mis-perception that green tea is lower in caffeine than other categories of tea. It is not. You can read a bit more about this at the caffeine chapter in Tea Guardian: 

      However, it is not necessarily only caffeine that gives a person a less than better sleep. TCM coldness in things sometimes do that too. For example, if you already have some weakness in TCM coldness, eg, low blood cell counts, shortness of breath, weak digestion, weak liver, during menstruation etc, and then you eat a bowl of cold salad, or a jug of cold beer, or a big piece of water melon close to your bed time, then you may not sleep too well either.
      Steamed green tea (not all green tea) is cold in TCM nature. It also has high count of caffeine. So it is better to be avoided after late afternoon, if your body is not up to it.
    • #9347

      Thank you, Leo. So some green teas are okay? Which ones? 

    • #9350

      It is only a matter of degree, all green teas are relatively cooler in nature. Some cold. Those that are deeper baked are less so, those that are deeper roasted even less. Examples of deeper baked green tea: Huangshan Maofeng (traditional ones), Kaihua Longding etc; deeper roasted: Dinggu Dafang, Mengding Ganlu etc.

      Less green tea when you are weaker in energy. More when you feel absolutely active.
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