Tea Hong

Home Dialogues Teashops/Teahouses Tea Hong

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    • #8488

      Leo, congratulations on starting Tea Hong! I know it is just starting up
      and not everything is quite done yet, but it looks great so far. The
      pictures alone are amazing, and they help me to appreciate the great
      variety and quality of these different teas.

      Honestly, in addition to being interested in it as a store, it also
      seems like a great educational resource. I’ve been looking at all the
      different teas, trying to learn more and more. I like the breakdowns by
      taste character and TCM character as well. It seems like you are always
      concerned with teaching us and helping us to be more informed about tea. 🙂

    • #9580

      Agreed; it’s a great site so far.

    • #9581

      Thx guys. Trying our best here. We don’t have a programmer in-house and it is really demanding to get things interacting right. It is preliminarily operational and some long time fans has shown great support. We still have a teaware section to put in and i hope it will eventually be a tea connoisseurs’ paradise. 

      On line shop is really new to me so please let me know if you have any comments.
    • #9584

      Buying in your shop is easy, but I think the best about it is the Information and different interesting ways of finding a tea. It looks so unpretentious and beautiful. Congratulations! And thank you Leo for bringing such joy for me.

    • #9586

      The shop looks so very nice! I have not decided which tea to try yet!

    • #9587

      Thx gals. On that note, we have just put in a new tab for questions and answers so in case you puzzle over anything about the product or tea in general, you can post it there for any clarification if needed.

    • #9588

      very impressing look. i m very stunned. so great number of selections and look very, very high quality at very good price. many congratulations! 

    • #9593
      Manila Tran

      I must say that I like almost everything about the shop. The name for a start is so cleverly named. I wish I could have Leo’s help in naming my own. The description about the tea is educational. Honestly as a part time tea seller, I have not even known some of the varieties. Like Chawang said, very, very impressive. Leo you are the best! Bravo teahong.com!

    • #9598

      This is such a far cry from the other splashy consumerly tea shops. The seriousness of the look must be reflecting Leo’s seriousness about tea quality, I guess. Such a fresh breath of air from the other shops that sell majorly Chinese tea. Perhaps because of Leo’s professional background? Congratulations and I must say I am truly impressed. I’ll now read through some of the oolongs and decide which to make my first purchase… 😉

    • #9600

      I do have one observation.  There doesn’t seem to be a way to search tea by class (Taichi, delta, etc) from the menus.  One has to go to the “A Few Ways to Select a Tea” section, and even then Taichi is the only one selectable.


    • #9609

      Very nice tea shop. Congratulations too. Would you please tell me if you will offer Japanese green tea?

    • #9610

      Thank you guys again for all the kind words! Will definitely send each of you by PM special discount coupons when the shop is formally launched. 

      Hokusai, yes we will carry Japanese green teas when we are more sure of a stable quality producer. 
      MEversbergII, the selection by class function was designed into the menu but at the moment we are still discussing whether we should have it now or later. What is your opinion?
    • #9612

      If it’s ready for deployment, I’d say sooner rather than later.  Is it it’s own menu selection (like taste character / category / TCM currently is) or does it have a parent/child relationship (frex, Select “Green” brings out a child menu allowing you to select quality within that category)?

      Also, are orders currently being accepted?  Running low on the green I ordered from JKTeashop, looking to order soon.


    • #9693

      Registered and ordered!  Looking forward to trying out that April Mist.

      One question:  Is the 10% discount automatically deducted on new accounts or did I forget something?
    • #9694
      Tea Man Bill

      MEversbergII, I have sent you a private message about this.

    • #9721
      Sara M

      I received my first order this morning and it totally transformed my understanding of tea. Perhaps this is why Leo said oolong is the grand cru of teas. Phoenix Honey Orchid is stunning! I have been drinking it the whole day. I never knew that there can be such rich tastes and complex aroma from tea! I have wasted all those tea years and only now beginning to know what tea really is!

    • #9722

      leo is specialist particularly in oolongs, esp in phoenix oolongs. the quality he gets is superior for the price. you are smart to buy that tea. you have very good taste ability to know that is best tea. thumbs up

    • #9725

      Are we able to start telling others about teahong or is it not ready for extra attention yet?  I remember Leo mentioned it wasn’t “officially” launched yet, so I’ve kept mum (except my roomates who occasionally shoulder surf).  I do tea-facts of the now on facebook and have thought about doing a name drop in a few.

    • #9726

      I can’t speak for others, but a great internet teashop like this should be told to more people. I think it doesn’t hurt Leo’s plan when our friends and acquaintances begin to buy from that site. The pricing seems very attractive to me. And it looks like they are already selling anyway; some of the things are sold out, and I was just able to successfully placed an order.

    • #9727

      Sara, I share what you feel. I have been a devoted Taiwan oolong drinker for many years (I won’t say how many) but experiencing this Fenghuang Milan Xiang has completely elevated my understanding of oolong. One thing that I maybe different with you: I will not just stay with this, I will explore more varieties in Leo’s teashop.

      I don’t understand what the others are saying about not launching Tea Hong. I have been drinking the tea that I bought from it for two days now.
    • #9728

      Alright, I’ll plug it on my next Tea-fact post.



    • #9730

      This has been my experience as well. The quality of the tea is simply better than what I have had elsewhere. It is more flavorful, and gives a better representation of what tea can be. I recently tried the Tieguanyin Deep Brown 2010, which was also an awesome tea. 🙂

    • #9741

      I am very happy to see such positive comments. Thank you all. We do not have enough human resources here; so as in Tea Guardian, Tea Hong is being built bit by bit. I can foresee that many changes will continue to take place even after it is formally launched, as in Tea Guardian.

      I was also ill-prepared for the comment section in the product pages which really does not entice presenting one’s thoughts there. Maybe that is one reason why the posts have come to here instead. We are trying to improve on that. My usual retail customers here in HK are much less vocal than you guys here. I hope this will change 😉
    • #9743

      As an aside, what does the “hong” part of the name mean?  You mentioned “tea hongs” in a puerh article, which means it’s likely an adjective.  A perusal of the (at least 15) different entries for “hong” on Google Translate gave me everything from Red (hence Hongcha) to Great to “Death of a Prince” (薨).



    • #9797
      tea soul

      Leo, this is very good teashop. Congratulations! Before you sell not so many selections in retail. You can do it now. The price is very low. I want to learn how. Please may I contact you? Before you also sell beautiful tea ware, why not selling now? 

    • #9798
      tea soul

      I am not running tea business. Only curious as consumer.

    • #9804

      @tea soul, I am sorry I have not seen your posting till now. The way we can do the wide variety (and will be even wider soon) has many reasons, one being our unique position as also an exporter and wholesaler. As for the other reasons I am afraid we need to keep as business secrets. Please also allow us a little bit of time for smoothing out some operation issues before presenting our tea ware offers in the shop. You are always welcome to contact me by PM in case for anything you think should be discussed in private.

    • #9805

      Is the method in which you obtain your teas also a business secret?  I remember you mentioned at one point that you make deals with specific farms.  Or maybe I am misremembering?

    • #9808

      The site looks really nice, and I really like the detailed descriptions and specifications. I’m almost out of tea so I’ll definitely be placing an order soon! Also, will you have tea storage in the future? I haven’t found anywhere to get a double lid tea caddy here in the US.

    • #9809
      Sara M

      The tea comes in very good packaging that you can use as storage, of course, unless you want something very nice and long-lasting as a piece of accessory. 

    • #9812

      @ svanheulen, we’ll offer caddies in the future, but first we have a lot of work to do before we can launch the tea accessories category. Retail and export really are two different animals!

    • #9813

      @ Sara, yes, that’s right. When I designed the packaging, I intended it to be a way of storage too. The Phoenix oolong you ordered comes in the kraft bag with an aluminum and a PE laminates. They are good environment insulators and thick enough for the duration of the content (I reuse them for my own drinking stock sometimes). Remember to cut at just below the seal so you have plenty of length of the bag for folding back a few times before you clip it for storage. That way there is a safe air trap. 

    • #9817

      Well, this is good news. So you’ll offer tea ware such as cha-hai and small teacups? I really look forward to seeing your quality!

    • #9822

      Awesome, I can’t wait to see what accessories you’ll have!

    • #9823

      I hope that you would offer your selections of Yixing pots!

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