puer cake values

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    • #8562

      I have always been using loose leaf tea but many people have asked me about puer cakes so I have been going around to understand more about them. The price fluctuates so dramatically! Some a few hundreds and the others many thousand, some even tens of thousands! (Hong Kong dollars) They all claim to be 10, 20 or 30 years old. Some with tiny pieces of printed rice paper, some without, to tell the years. There are different claims of origins, again, some written in little rice paper, some on the wrapping paper, some don’t. Is there a system, a universal reference, or any Chinese chart for the prices? I tried a few teashops and what they prepared to show of to me really were not nearly impressive at all. What are the criteria of judging the price?

    • #9127

      From what I have been able to gather, these prices are entirely fiat or, at best, driven by hype.  To quote Publilius Syrus,  “Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it.”


    • #9093

      To me, it makes a nice decoration in my home. I display it like I do with some of my plates on a sideboard. I would not drink it and really don’t care if its value goes up or down. I am so happy with my Imperial Golden Tip when I want a dark tea anyway. Feel so spoiled to have eight Tea Hong selections in my tea drawer to choose from already. Chasing the price of some uncertain value of a plate of tea really feels too materialistic for me.

    • #9082
      Manila Tran

      There are many websites in China that ranks the different origins, factories and formulas. However, some are exactly the words as other sites and others say very different things. I simply find it confusing when comparing what is said in these sites with what I can find in the market. I’d love to know if there is any guidelines or system to the whole thing too.

    • #9067

      It’s nice to have a home where you can put decorations here and there. Ours is always too crowded to do that. Maybe for that reason, I have never wanted to own any puer cakes, although many friends talked about the rise in price and all that.

    • #9039

      I wouldn’t have had the space at my old house, either.  This new one is considerably larger, though the roomates have more or less conquered the entire dining/living/kitchen area.  Not sure where I’d put up a cabinet for storage and display yet.

    • #8874

      I saw small bugs moving in the so-called Tea Professor’s puer cake this evening in his shop. He went on to make tea for us with it. I pretended to sip it to be polite. That was really disgusting. I don’t think I want anything to do with those paper wrapped frisbees any more, whatever the price.

    • #8873

      there is bad practice but there is also good practice. there is bad puer cake but there is also good puer cake. if you are talking about the same tea professor as most people call him in hk, i can tell you that he know tea a little bit more than he know rocket science. he is not a good example of good tea man. i dun know why he got famous in some previous years. his tea is very overprice as much as his is over famous for his knowledge.

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