Green tea not good during food?

Home Dialogues Health Matters Green tea not good during food?

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    • #8360

      In the article “Green tea tips for the slim & post-menopause“, the writer (Leo?) suggests that green tea during food may not be good for nutrient absorption. The jasmine and longjing served in restaurants are green tea, so are they not good? How come they have been used all the time? 

    • #8760

      Green tea catechins greatly reduce free-iron absorption. Not heme-iron (the one contained in meat). If you are not vegetarian and if you do not have nutrient deficiencies or particural healt problems, a cup of tea is not a problem too. Especially if it is not an habitude.

      There are a lot of food-food interactions that should be avoided in some healt problems and anyone should take it into account according to its healt condition by its own.

    • #8775

      Thanks for the answer. I needed some time to find out the different forms of iron in food before responding. Now I know about the idea of iron chelating. I think what you said is a very sensible way of thinking about green tea. 

      You are very correct also in saying there are a lot of interactions between different food that can be health problems for some people.

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